
About me

Hello :)

So a little bit about me and how my love of languages started!

When I was little my dad used to watch two films called Jean de Florette (its his favourite) then always followed by Manon de Sourses as he loved the landscapes/settings of them.

These two films are highly popular in France and so this was my first experience in listening to another language. Then onto school where I learnt French- absolutely enjoyed it and done well in GCSE.

At college I briefly learnt Spanish and had some private tuition to help but the course got cancelled as there were not enough people in attendance. While at college I travelled to Paris, Barcelona, Canary Islands, Majorca (oh and America) while testing out bits of the languages that I knew.

So then a short break until started university- where I met some great people who tried to teach me their languages (Hindi, Urdu, Bengali and Gujarati) which one day I might go back to and learn.

 (Going to Garba)

During university I travelled to Japan for a week where I learnt the basics to get by :) Now my 4 year old is saying thankyou in Japanese 7 years later :P this will possibly be my next language to learn.

Life then got in the way for abit until 2 years ago where I saw a Sign language taster session at the local college and it seemed interesting - using your hands to communicate to the deaf, so I went along- loved those 2 hours! So a few weeks later I enrolled onto level 1 where I passed, then enrolled onto level 2- where I also passed! Now have started level 3 :D

During that time I went to Remark street party where I tested out my BSL skills- would love to use it daily so hopefully a career using this would be a dream!

So I decided I have a visual language but missed the spoken language- so last year I restarted taking up French and Spanish again especially after a visit to the Language show live up London (blog post about that trip soon)

(Im on the far left) 

A few months ago I came across someone who is learning braille and that sparked my curiosity so have started UEB free course on braille!

Phew still with me?


So that is my background with languages- what is yours?


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